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Best journalism regarding the attack

Retrieved 2021-04-28

  • Sidechannel Interview with Alex Stamos and Chris Krebs by Kim Zetter - Zero Day (Free Listening on SoundCloud)
  • Retrieved 2021-04-22

  • SolarWinds: Illuminating the Hidden Patterns That Advance the Story (RiskIQ)
  • SolarWinds: Advancing the Story (RiskIQ Community Edition)
  • Research Uncovers New Command Servers Used in SolarWinds Campaign (Zero Day)
  • Researchers shed more light on APT29 activity during SolarWinds attack
  • Retrieved 2021-04-16

  • Did Someone at the Commerce Dept. Find a SolarWinds Backdoor in Aug. 2020? (Krebs on Security)
  • How Russia Used SolarWinds To Hack Microsoft, Intel, Pentagon, Other Networks : NPR
  • SolarWinds hacking campaign puts Microsoft in the hot seat
  • Sanctioned Russian IT firm was partner with Microsoft, IBM
  • Sanctioned Firm Accused of Helping Russian Intelligence Was Part of Microsoft’s Early Vuln Access Program — MAPP (Zero Day)
  • Retrieved 2021-03-31

  • Mind the Gap: How the NSA might use SolarWinds campaign to do warrantless spying (Zero Day)
  • Retrieved 2021-03-29

  • Broken trust: Lessons from Sunburst (Atlantic Council)
  • Retrieved 2021-02-23

  • Opinion (Why Was SolarWinds So Vulnerable to a Hack? - The New York Times)
  • Retrieved 2021-01-01

  • SolarWinds supply chain breach threatens government agencies and enterprises worldwide (ScienceDirect)
  • Retrieved 2020-12-18

  • Hackers last year conducted a 'dry run' of SolarWinds breach